Saturday, May 4, 2024
HomeTrendingProtest against Headscarve ban

Protest against Headscarve ban

Belgium: On Sunday around 4000 people gathered in Brussel to protest against the ban on headscarves (hijab). Many women came to Mont des Arts square in the center of the capital and protested against the ban on headscarves (hijab) with the slogans like “Take your hands off my headscarf”, and “My right”. The hashtag #HijabisFightBack has been trending on social media with many showing their support for the moment.

In June Belgium Constitutional Court posed a ban on religious symbols in higher education. A group of students protesters wore graduation caps during the protest. A group of protesters reads a statement to how discrimination is faced by Muslim women in Belgium and seek to take Muslim women’s right in consideration while making Belgian laws.

European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) said the ban doesn’t violate any human Right or the right of the religion of freedom. The case was mentioned to Constitution Court by Brussels Court when a Muslim student appeal against Francio Ferree Brussel University college about the ban on all religious symbols. This appeal started a trend on social media among young people and students.

Many Belgian universities and colleges have assured students that they are not going to impose such a ban in their universities.