Encouraged with the fresh development in Osman Nagar as floodwater has drained out to at least two feet, the officials have now turned their focus on providing medical and sanitary facilities to the locals by setting up medical camps and taking sanitary staff to task.
“Out of a total 5 feet, around 4 feet of the flood water has been drained out through the course of the newly built pipeline from Osman Nagar to low-lying areas via Venkatapuram. The remaining quantum of the accumulated water will be drained out in a day or two and the issue will be resolved soon,” informed Commissioner Jalpally Municipality G.P.Kumar.
“There are several colonies located on the way to the other end of the Osman Nagar where the residents have raised the objection against letting out the water flowing through their areas. However, the officials meticulously dealt with the situation and had ensured that no one would face any inconvenience with the ongoing process,” The Commissioner explained.
In the meantime, the official also took necessary measures to ascertain the health-related issues of the local residents by organizing medical camps at Osman Nagar and allocated 4 autos, 4 tractors, 5 fogging machines, 1 JCB, and 20 municipality workers beside health staff to address sanitary issues if any.
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